Wright Family Dentistry Blog

Enjoy a Soothing Dental Visit with IV Sedation from Wright Family Dentistry

May 31, 2012

Is dental anxiety keeping you from the strong, healthy smile you deserve? If it is, Dr. Marshall Wright’s Weatherford dental office has a solution that can help. It’s called IV sedation. With IV sedation, patients who routinely avoid the dentist can finally enjoy comfortable, soothing care that will help them reclaim their oral health.

What Is IV Sedation?

IV (or intravenous) sedation lets patients experience a deeper level of relaxation than is possible with either nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation. That makes it ideal for patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety, or for patients who have trouble sitting comfortably for long periods.

At our Weatherford dental office, a trained, in-office anesthesiologist will stay by your side throughout your appointment to monitor your condition and deliver exactly the level of relaxation you need. Whether you’re coming in for a long appointment or for a simple procedure, we can help you overcome any anxiety or discomfort you might anticipate to help you achieve a sense of calm you never knew you could experience at a dentist office.

Is IV Sedation Right for You?

The good news is that IV sedation is right for most patients. For some patients, though, Dr. Wright would highly recommend IV sedation over our other methods. For instance, if you suffer from a neuromuscular condition or would describe your anxiety level as moderate to severe, IV sedation would be an ideal choice.

Do You Still Have questions?

If you still have questions about IV sedation, Dr. Wright and our team would be happy to help. Call our Weatherford office today to set up a time to visit us. During your visit, Dr. Wright can talk to you about your medical history and your needs before making a recommendation. Our office services patients from Weatherford, Fort Worth, Mineral Wells, Aledo, Hudson Oaks, and surrounding areas.

Invisalign Your Smile with Weatherford Dentist, Dr. Marshall Wright

February 18, 2011

invisalign clear bracesHave you spent years envious of your friends’ perfect teeth? Do you force tight-lipped smiles and hide when anyone pulls out a camera? Are you tired of being embarrassed by your grin but afraid to do anything about it because living with braces sounds even worse?

Well, get ready to step out of the shadows, because we have an orthodontic solution that will give you the smile of your dreams without ugly wires and brackets. Invisalign uses a set of custom-molded, transparent, removable aligners to gradually and virtually invisibly reposition your teeth. (more…)

Porcelain Veneers from Your Weatherford Dentist

February 10, 2011

It has been said that you’re never fully dressed without a smile. But if your teeth are marred by discoloration, cracks, or gaps, you may be hesitant to try one on. If you’re tired of keeping the corners of your mouth on the straight and narrow, shielding that involuntary grin from friends and strangers… consider porcelain veneers!

What’s So Great About Porcelain Veneers?

Modern veneers look totally natural. Made from thin, translucent porcelain that allows light to pass through, veneers mimic the look of your natural teeth. Veneers also provide a quick solution to a less-than-perfect smile often requiring just two visits. And the dental care required for veneers is no different than what we recommend for your real teeth. Just brush and floss daily, come see us for regular checkups, and consider a nightguard if you tend to grind your teeth while you sleep. (more…)

Dental Implants from Dr. Marshall Wright

February 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Wright @ 6:40 pm

We do our best to provide dentistry that saves teeth. But sometimes life throws you a curve ball –or maybe it was your son –then before you know it…

Missing teeth can have a big effect on your self-esteem and your oral health. We know. We’ve seen it. Our patients are like family and it’s difficult to see them struggle with the problems that arise from missing teeth including shifting, gum disease, and jawbone loss. Eating your favorite foods, might become difficult, and smiling, too.

Nobody should be embarrassed to smile! That’s why we offer implant dentistry at our Weatherford dental office, Wright Family Dentistry.

Dental Implants –Complete Your Smile at Wright Family Dentistry

There are just about as many ways to lose a tooth as there are teeth in your head. The problem is, just a single missing tooth can cause your oral health to suffer. Regardless of why you lost your tooth (or teeth), from periodontal issues to accident or injury, we can restore your smile with dental implants.

The Dental Implant Process

During a short oral surgery, a titanium post is implanted into your jawbone. Nature takes over, and your bone fuses with the implant creating a root, just like a real tooth. Once the implant has healed, Dr. Wright will attach a crown to the post. This completes your tooth, and your smile! Dental implants mimic nature’s perfect design, and give you a strong, beautiful, functional alternative to a crown & bridge or partial denture.

Could You Benefit from Dental Implants?

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants, and how they can revive your smile, contact our office. Dr. Wright will be happy to talk with you about your overall oral health and check for the appropriate amount of bone mass required for the surgery. Dr. Wright provides the patient-focused, gentle care that will help ease your mind and get you smiling, completely, again!

Welcome to Wright Family Dentistry’s Blog!

January 26, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Wright @ 7:16 pm

Consider this blog your news resource for information about oral health, dental procedures and technology, and what’s happening at your dentist’s office. We believe communication is key to building great doctor-patient relationships, and this dental blog is intended to keep us in touch with you. The best part is, you can simply bookmark this page in your browser, then visit whenever you like! Stay tuned for regular posts that will keep you informed.

If you need to schedule an appointment or are “interviewing” us as your potential new dental provider, call today! You may also want to review information about us here.