Porcelain Veneers from Your Weatherford Dentist

February 10, 2011

It has been said that you’re never fully dressed without a smile. But if your teeth are marred by discoloration, cracks, or gaps, you may be hesitant to try one on. If you’re tired of keeping the corners of your mouth on the straight and narrow, shielding that involuntary grin from friends and strangers… consider porcelain veneers!

What’s So Great About Porcelain Veneers?

Modern veneers look totally natural. Made from thin, translucent porcelain that allows light to pass through, veneers mimic the look of your natural teeth. Veneers also provide a quick solution to a less-than-perfect smile often requiring just two visits. And the dental care required for veneers is no different than what we recommend for your real teeth. Just brush and floss daily, come see us for regular checkups, and consider a nightguard if you tend to grind your teeth while you sleep.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Work?

Veneers are made by layering thin sheaths of porcelain atop each other, allowing us to give you a beautiful, natural-looking smile by masking flaws. Designed to fit right over your teeth, they can straighten, whiten and cover chips, cracks, misalignments, even close the gaps between widely spaced teeth. During the initial consultation, Dr. Wright will help you decide between traditional veneers, DURAthin veneers, and Lumineers. If you’re concerned about maintaining the integrity of your natural teeth, DURAthin or Lumineers may be right for you as they require significantly less preparation and can be removed.

Dr. Wright will help you select your ideal smile including the shape, size, and shade of your porcelain veneers. Your veneers are custom-made just for you, so you can have the look you’ve always wanted. What more could you ask for? Come see us today and let’s talk about your perfect smile!

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